DOs & DON'Ts

Do's & Dont


Pack light but smart:
Travelling, you need to be smart when you pack. You can very well survive on 2 jeans with 10 tops. Make sure you have a scarf, a beanie, a pair of gloves, 3 pairs of sock, a pair of boots and a pair of shoes, sanitary essentials and electronics like a power bank.

Wear clothes in layers:
Wearing thick clothes is not smart. Once the sun hits, you cannot do anything and you are stuck sweating in an uncomfortable outfit. B smart and dressing layers, take them off when required. Simple and handy, especially if you are not used to the cold.

Be cash smart:
Making sure you have enough cash is necessary, but storing them is just as important. Keep your cash in different places and not in one place to avoid running out of them/ losing them.

Visit the Abshar Restaurants:
Travelling to northern areas and not taking out time to experience the lavish waterfalls? It’s a big no-no. A must DO while visiting these areas is to have food at the Abshar restaurants. Sitting under the waterfall, having parathas and pakoras and doodhpatti with the water passing in between your toes- an exquisite experience. E.g. Abshar Café Kiwai.

Try Charsi tikka:
The most famous tikka of Khyber Pakhtunkhua is the Charsi tikka. Fishy name with the most delicious tikka you’ll have.


Avoid winters:
Although the scenic beauty is at it speak during the winters, with the peaks covered in snow and lakes of crystal clear water frozen adding to the beauty, there is a danger of landslide accident. The roads are blocked and you can get stuck for more than you planned.

A big no to cars:
Travelling to these areas in cars is not dangerous but impractical. Rent a four wheeler (Jeep), the drivers know their way to the lakes up top such as Lake Lulusar or Lake Saif-ul-Mulook and are trained to drive on the rough terrains. It will help you avoid accidents and will give you an entirely new and fascinating experience
Dont spend a lot:
Travelling to north, you are travelling to experience the beauty of Mother Nature and spend time in a way you cannot back home. Therefore do not spend lavishly, stay in traditional hotels, rent an open four wheeler, stay in camps, have dhabba foods instead of ordering room service.

Dont travel alone:
Travelling alone is not smart, especially to the northern areas. This is because that not only is it not safe, but extremely dangerous- you are not aware of the ways, you can be stranded in a place so up high and alone is not at all alluring or adventurous.


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